Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass

Example code of connecting the Raspberry Pi Pico W to a CMPS11 digital compass.


Description Colour Pico W CMPS11 compass
Power 3v Orange pin36 3V3(OUT) 3.3v
Ground Black pin3 GND GND
i2c Data White pin1 GP0 i2c0 SDA Second from top
i2c Clock Blue pin2 GP1 i2c0 SCL Third from top
   iconI2C.png    volts33.png


Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
Raspberry Pi Pico W with CMPS11 compass
